Making “Hannah” the reborn baby girl

Here is Hannah from start to finish as I created her. I fired her Genesis Heat set paints several times as I applied layers of colors and texture to her skin. I was amazed as she came to life with each subsequent firing. Tiny,individual hairs were rooted into the scalp. She has a small bald spot where her hair has rubbed off , just like a real baby! Delicate eyelashes and fingernails are the finishing touches for this darling. href=””>baby with eyelashes finished

Baby second firing

baby hair done

Baby Hair closeup

Baby Hair 1

Baby feet

baby finished close

baby face  second coat

baby face 1

baby face 2

baby eyelashes close

baby eyelash side

Baby crown clsup

Baby back of head

baby beginning hair

Reborn Baby Girl Hannah ready for adoption

baby 6

Here she is, “Hannah” with her ginger hair and tiny eyelashes. Ready to be adopted! She is 19″ and comes with a her own birth certificate. She weighs 6 lbs 3 oz and is dressed in her newborn cuddly and wrapped in her receiving blanket!

“Hannah” is my first reborn baby from a Secrist Doll kit of Jody.

Making my first Reborn Baby Doll

Baby second firing

My granddaughter Brianna introduced me to the art of “Reborning” this summer. She had received a beautiful preemie baby ” Willow” for her birthday  and when I saw the little darling, I fell in love!  She was the most realistic doll I had ever seen. I’ve been a doll artists since 1991 and have been making one of a kind artist dolls using polymer clay. I was so enamored by this baby that we immediately started looking on the internet for more information. This is the story of my first Reborn baby!